Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Unexpected "twist"

Well, this is weird.

You see, I was going over to Mike's the other night to watch a contest on teevee. Because we are not just adversaries, we are also pals. Anyways, when I walked in, after I said hello to his dog, Sue, I saw some nunchcucks (funny pun-thought: how many nuns could a nunchuck chuck if a nunchuck could chuck nuns?) and I was like all "whoa! Nunchucks!" and pointed at them. Not just in my head did I say that, I said it right out loud so Mike and Sue and their roommate Corky could hear. I don't see nunchucks every day. Well, Mike up an revealed to me that that was what he had been planning to encase in plastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What does this mean? I will admit that he chose a very good thing (pair of things?) to encase in plastic. So maybe he will still encase them? Now that I know, should I choose to encase something else? Now that he knows that I know, will he choose to encase something else? By the way, he was planning on encasing each stick of the nunchuck separately. Is that cheating? is it encasing two things for the price of one? I don't know. But I wouldn't call him on it because it seems awesome in a way different from being ironic. Will the contest go on? I almost wish that I didn't know what he had planned to encase in plastic because it makes me question my own choice so much. Is it better? Will the contest ever end? This contest has taken me to many unexpected places in my mind, including this one and its not even over yet.

Or is it?

Not yet.

I hope.

We'll see.

Who's to say?

I mean according to the rules I don't think it is.

So no.

Unless Mike has decided that it is over because I saw what he planned to encase.

Let's hope not.


Take care,
