Monday, March 17, 2008

Enough is enough

The title of this blog-post may be a truism, but it still holds true. Enough is enough. I have had my cool or ironic thing encased in plastic for more than a month now, and the contest was supposed to be over at some point, so today I just said ok let's be done with this and I went and showed to Mike what I had encased in plastic, a weed pipe with weed in it. So now, I have encased something in plastic and he hasn't so I guess that I win. I don't always prefer to win by default, but I have to admit that I prefer it to losing by some crappy judge's missed call, like can happen in diving contests. Anyways, let the mystery be no more as to who is the winner, me, and what I encased, even though it isn't important because Mike didn't encase anything at all, a weed pipe with weed in it. I will go take a picture of it now.

kudos to both of us,


p.s. It sure feels good to be blogging again!

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