Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

Pictures of what it looks like

Here are some pictures of what what I encased in plastic looks like.

Lying on its side.

here it is standing on end.

If I were going to place it on my mantle, I would place it there in this position.

If you click on these pictures, they may get bigger, I'm not sure. So from these pictures, you can see that even if Mike had encased something in plastic, I would have still done pretty well in the contest probably, because of how good this thing is. It is a weed pipe with weed in it. Is the weed real? I won't tell. Unless one of the judges asks me, but I guess there won't be any judges, because the contest is over, and I won, by default.


Enough is enough

The title of this blog-post may be a truism, but it still holds true. Enough is enough. I have had my cool or ironic thing encased in plastic for more than a month now, and the contest was supposed to be over at some point, so today I just said ok let's be done with this and I went and showed to Mike what I had encased in plastic, a weed pipe with weed in it. So now, I have encased something in plastic and he hasn't so I guess that I win. I don't always prefer to win by default, but I have to admit that I prefer it to losing by some crappy judge's missed call, like can happen in diving contests. Anyways, let the mystery be no more as to who is the winner, me, and what I encased, even though it isn't important because Mike didn't encase anything at all, a weed pipe with weed in it. I will go take a picture of it now.

kudos to both of us,


p.s. It sure feels good to be blogging again!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Unexpected "twist"

Well, this is weird.

You see, I was going over to Mike's the other night to watch a contest on teevee. Because we are not just adversaries, we are also pals. Anyways, when I walked in, after I said hello to his dog, Sue, I saw some nunchcucks (funny pun-thought: how many nuns could a nunchuck chuck if a nunchuck could chuck nuns?) and I was like all "whoa! Nunchucks!" and pointed at them. Not just in my head did I say that, I said it right out loud so Mike and Sue and their roommate Corky could hear. I don't see nunchucks every day. Well, Mike up an revealed to me that that was what he had been planning to encase in plastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What does this mean? I will admit that he chose a very good thing (pair of things?) to encase in plastic. So maybe he will still encase them? Now that I know, should I choose to encase something else? Now that he knows that I know, will he choose to encase something else? By the way, he was planning on encasing each stick of the nunchuck separately. Is that cheating? is it encasing two things for the price of one? I don't know. But I wouldn't call him on it because it seems awesome in a way different from being ironic. Will the contest go on? I almost wish that I didn't know what he had planned to encase in plastic because it makes me question my own choice so much. Is it better? Will the contest ever end? This contest has taken me to many unexpected places in my mind, including this one and its not even over yet.

Or is it?

Not yet.

I hope.

We'll see.

Who's to say?

I mean according to the rules I don't think it is.

So no.

Unless Mike has decided that it is over because I saw what he planned to encase.

Let's hope not.


Take care,


Sunday, January 27, 2008

New blog post

Welcome back to the internet, blog and blog-readers! Here we are, on a warmer-than-the-past-few-days Sunday afternoon-that-feels-like-morning-because-I-got-up-late-in-the-morning. How are you?

Well, I saw Mike last night at a double birthday party at a place called rontoms. (I also heard last night that it was opened by a man called Ron Tom, and that he borrowed a lot of money from his mom to open the bar. So I came up with this new name for the place: rontomsmoms. Get it?! and it rhymes. Everybody likes rhymes, even angry rappers.) Anyways, we talked about the plastic-encasing contest that has been the only subject on either of our minds since it started, even if I'm not blogging about it every hour. It sounds like he's getting closer and closer to actually encasing something in plastic. One indicator that I had was that it sounded like he wanted to be done with the contest, and the only way to do that is to encase something in plastic and then have someone decide who is the winner, and then react to the decision for a while and then be done. And then we can both move on with our lives and start procrastinating other things.

It has felt nice to know that my encasing-in-plastic is already encased in the history books, and that all I have to do is sit back and wait for Judgement Day. It makes me wonder what it would be like to do other things ahead of schedule, like work assignments or paying my gas bill.

take care,


Sunday, January 13, 2008


Jeez, I finally got that bottle off there. It was hard! And frustrating! I managed to also cut my other thumb and make it bleed before I was done. I found what I thought was a good tool for prying the plastic bottle off of the encasing-plastic, which was my utility knife. It worked a lot better for prying, but what I didn't notice at first was that I was scuffing up the encasing plastic quite a bit! Damn it! I probably didn't notice because I was wearing sunglasses as I worked. I was wearing them as safety glasses because when I would pry the plastic of the bottle up a lot of times it would shoot off. In fact one of the pieces hit me in the forehead. It didn't hurt, but if it had hit my eye it would have hurt bad.
So anyways I scuffed up the plastic quite a bit. That isn't good! So I took the whole thing outside and sprayed it with the sealer spray stuff. I hope that helps! I hope that wasn't a mistake! I wonder how Mike's project is coming along.

take care,


Sunday morning blog-post

Hi there

Well I'm making real progress with my entry for the plastic-encasing contest. I'm currently trying to pry the plastic bottle I used as a mold off the plastic and plastic-encased object. It is hard! It kind of sticks to it and I have to just pry little pieces off with my fingers. My fingers are getting sore, and I made one of my thumbs bleed! I'm not even sure how!

But it looks pretty good. The surface is not completely smooth, but it is pretty smooth and plenty see-through. Not like in the dream I had the other night where I took the bottle off it and you couldn't really even tell what had been encased because it was hard to see past the surface of the plastic. But I am thinking about spraying the whole thing with the spray plastic that I used to make the top surface not be sticky. It might wind up being smoother than the other parts? That would look good.

Ok, back to work!

take care,
