Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.

I wonder if there's a way that I could encase Mike's blog in plastic? I have never encased something in plastic before so maybe I should think about encasing something tangible first, but I think it would be awesome if I could encase his entire blog (including the password so he can't write on it anymore) in plastic. Anyone have any good ideas about how to do this? I guess I could settle for printing it out and then encasing that. Have you ever seen someone write the whole constitution on a single grain of rice? Maybe I could find that person, and have them write Mike's whole blog on there and then I could shape the plastic I encase it in like a magnifying glass so that you would still be able to read it. But from the other side it would not be a magnifying glass, so that you would still be able to tell that it was written on a teeny grain of rice. That would be stupid to have his whole blog written down on a grain of rice if you then encased it in something that made it look bigger than it really is. You'd be kind of missing the point. But it would still be cool if there were a way you could read it. Anyways, if you know of a way to encase an entire blog in plastic, or if you know somebody who works at or another big blogging organization, please leave me a comment about it.

take care,


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