Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Well, here we go. Here's the start of my blog where I chronicle my side of the contest between Mike Illick and me to see which one of us can encase the better thing in plastic. Neither of us has ever encased something in plastic before, so it should be interesting. I hope he hasn't encased something in plastic before and just isn't telling me, but I think he actually hasn't and that the contest is really fair. We each bought an equal amount of this liquid to encase stuff in and an equal amount of the stuff you're supposed to put a few drops of in to make the other stuff become solid. I almost wrote "to make the other stuff become hard" but I caught myself. Anyways, the contest is that by the 12th of January we should each have encased something in plastic and then we'll somehow decide or have someone else decide who encased the cooler thing in plastic and that person will be the winner and then most likely both of us will get drunk.
We both bought our supplies at the same time and received the same confusing advice from the person who works at the plastic store. He told us things like "the plastic will get too hot if you do that" and "you will need to keep the plastic warm" about the same projects. WTF?! But he did tell us something that sounded helpful that may influence what I decide to encase in plastic, which is that it is difficult to do a good job of encasing dead things. Apparently some people have figured it out but since I am a beginner and I want to do well with my first try because it is for a contest I probably won't try to encase something dead. I probably won't try a hot dog or a turd first either, because I'm guessing they'd have something similar problems to something that used to be alive.
Well I guess that should do for my first entry. If you have any questions about the contest, go ahead and ask! Or if you have an idea for something to encase in plastic, please tell me, especially if you think it is a better idea than Mike Illick would come up with! Hopefully Mike won't read this blog and take my (or my reader's) ideas, or if he does steal my idea I hope that I do a better job of encasing whatever the thing is in plastic so that I still win the contest! Mike, if you are reading this hoping to steal an idea, "Fuck you!"

Ok, next time I won't have to include so much information so it'll probably be a better read. Please check back and see how I'm planning to beat Mike at encasing something in plastic!

take care,


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