Thursday, January 3, 2008

"Clear"ing the air

By the way, when Mike and I blog (or if you see us in person, "talk") about encasing something in plastic, we are talking about pouring our plastic-making materials around the object and fully surrounding it in a plastic that will never come off of it. Doubtless you have seen a scorpion treated this way, or perhaps a butterfly, or maybe a collection of teeny little bubbles that are arranged in the shape of the pre-9/11 world trade center. What we are not talking about is putting something into a plastic show case that can be opened so you can put something else in later. That is why the stakes are so high. That is why it is more like a game of "dart" than it is a game of "darts." If you don't get that last dart reference, you might want to read some of my previous posts. In fact, if you had been confused about the type of encasing contest we are involved in, you might want to re-read a lot of the previous posts.
Sorry for any confusion, and I hope that this has been helpful.
Thanks to Lauren, who sits in my section (or "quad") of the office Mike and I work in for pointing out that this might be confusing.

take care,


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