Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Well, I just went for some coffee with Mike. It's rainy out, and it made the trip down there feel long. On the plus side, it's harder to smell P.F. Chang's when it's rainy out. The sound of the rain probably drowns out the music from P.F. Chang's a little bit also, but I could still hear it when we walked by. Anyways, Mike is a pretty cool customer. He didn't really seem nervous about the competition, or even about hanging out with his opponent. The competition even came up in conversation a little and he played it off like it was no big deal. Of course, we also talked about other things, like work and suicide. I wasn't too nervous either during the errand, but I did choose my words carefully so I wouldn't give away any of my ideas about things to encase in plastic. I'm not sure how careful he was with his words though. In fact, he said something (I forget now what he said) that made me think that maybe he's been reading my blog. Maybe I'm just being paranoid?! Or maybe he just said whatever it was he said to make me feel paranoid?! Anyways, Mike, if you are reading this, "Fuck You!"

and to the rest of you, as always, take care,


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