Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Holy shit I just had a good idea.

How often have you heard a blogger say they don't want to toot their own horn? Well I'm not going to repeat that blogché (I just invented that term, it means a blog-cliché.) because the idea I just had is spectacular. It is near-perfect. It bigger than just having a good idea for a blog-post, it is an idea about something to encase in plastic. Here it is: I should encase Mike's supplies for encasing something in plastic in plastic. Not only would he then be unable to compete in the plastic-encasing contest that this blog is about, I think it would also totally piss him off because that stuff costs about $15. Yes!

But if you have a better idea or know how to get into his house please write a comment and tell me!

I am suddenly nervous that he could try to sabotage my materials. Where did I leave them? If I got a safety deposit box to put them in, how do I know he wouldn't find the key and encase it in plastic? I need to calm down and be sure not to make any dumb moves.

take care,


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